🌧️ OptiRain 🌧️

OptiRain - Provide the best optimization for Rainmeter

✨ Latest Version

Version : OptiRain 1.99c

  • Support from Windows 7 ~ Windows 11 (32bit & 64bit)
  • Very Lightweight ~ 11MB
  • Use Memoization, Multi-Thread optimization for best performance

⬇ Installation

  • Download the latest version from Github

🛠 Testing

✔ Process run at very low CPU percentage (< 1%) and RAM (< 20MB Ram)
✔ Works Perfectly with Rainmeter

💡 Setup

  • First Right-click to Rainmeter Icon tray
  • Choose Manage & Go to Game Mode Tab
  • Check Full-screen games and Addition process list
  • On the Text box below , type OptiList.exe
  • Restart RainMeter and run OptiRain process
  • You can also add OptiRain to startup if you want!

⚡ Performance

  • Auto-Hide all Rainmeter Skin when not needed

    Improves ~ 90% Rainmeter Performance - CPU and GPU percentage usage

  • You can change UPTIME.txt in application folder

    Higher = (+) Performance (-) Smooth
    Lower = (-) Performance (+) Smooth
    1 ~ 3 is highly recommend


Made with ❤️ by ScadeBlock